• 072 172 0544
  • lida@lidaroos.co.za
  • 242 Willem Botha Street, Wierda Park, 0157


Sometimes there is a need to assess/test or evaluate children or teenagers. Assessments will be
adjusted to suit the child and the reason for the assessment

Psychometric assessments are performed to determine the reason for certain concerns.

Psycho-educational assessments for: School readiness, Learning problems, Academic functioning and level, Behaviour, Emotional functioning and Stimulation assessments. 

Dynamic assessments would be incorporated to help various needs, contexts, environment and unique characteristics of each child.

Third Party Claims (Forensic) to determine the causes, pre-accident and post-accident potential as well as the consequences of the accident.

Psychometric testing to determine career possibilities (career guidance),school placement as well as school choice.

Medico-legal work on negligence and personal injuries.